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Balancing Grief & Relief: Navigating Life After a Long-Awaited Diagnosis

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amanda dutton

Written by Dr. Amanda Dutton

Licensed in Colorado, Florida, Georgia
Synergy eTherapy 

Dr. Amanda Dutton has a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Phoenix and a PhD in health psychology, trained in Integrative Nutrition for Mental Health. She is licensed in professional counseling (LPC) in the states of Georgia and Colorado and is registered to provide telehealth in Florida.

Amanda has been providing counseling in a variety of settings, including community mental health, hospitals and in private practice since 2011. She has been serving adults with depression, anxiety, chronic pain and illness as well as individuals who have had or are considering bariatric surgery. Having had successful bariatric surgery in 2005, Amanda has a special interest in this community. She enjoys working with her clients using a variety of therapeutic approaches, including solution-focused and a blend of person-centered and narrative approaches. Amanda is warm and compassionate, balancing collaboration with her clients with a desire to help them move forward in their lives.

Balancing Grief & Relief: Navigating Life After a Long-Awaited Diagnosis


Getting a diagnosis after years of uncertainty can be an emotional rollercoaster. For those of us with chronic pain or illness, it’s not just about the relief of finally having answers; it’s also about navigating the grief that comes with understanding the full scope of our condition. As someone who’s been there and also works as a mental health counselor with chronic pain and illness patients, let’s have an honest chat about how to balance the relief and grief that often accompany a long-awaited diagnosis.

Relief: Finally, Answers!


When that diagnosis comes in, it can feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Here’s why:

1. Validation of your Experience 

For years, you might have felt like you were just making things up or overreacting. A diagnosis is like a stamp of validation, confirming that what you’ve been going through is real and valid.

2. Treatment Options

Knowing what’s going on allows you to explore treatment options tailored to your condition. It’s the first step toward managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life.

3. Joining a Community

A diagnosis often opens the door to connect with others who share your condition. This sense of community can be incredibly comforting and informative.

Grief: The Emotional Tug-of-War

On the flip side, a diagnosis can also stir up complex emotions, leading to a sense of grief:

1. Mourning the Lost Time

You might find yourself grieving the years that passed without answers. It’s natural to feel anger and sadness about the time you’ve lost.

2. Uncertain Future

With a diagnosis, you become aware of the long road ahead. It’s daunting to think about living with a chronic condition and the uncertainty that it brings.

3. Identity Shift

Your identity might change as you come to terms with your condition. You’re no longer the person you once were, and that can be tough to accept.

Balancing Relief and Grief

Balancing these emotions can be challenging, but it’s essential for your mental and emotional well-being:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge your emotions. You have every right to feel relief, grief, and everything in between. Your feelings are valid.

2. Seek Support

Lean on your support network. Share your diagnosis with loved ones, friends, or join online communities with people who understand what you’re going through. They can offer invaluable emotional support.

3. Counseling or Therapy

Consider talking to a mental health counselor or therapist experienced in chronic pain and illness. They can help you work through complex emotions and provide coping strategies.

4. Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power. Learn as much as you can about your condition and the treatment options available. Understanding your illness can empower you to take an active role in your healthcare.

5. Set Realistic Expectations

Remember that it’s okay to grieve, but also maintain a realistic outlook. Your life may change, but it doesn’t have to stop. Small steps can lead to significant improvements.

6. Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself. Chronic illness is challenging, and you deserve compassion and self-care. Focus on self-compassion and self-love throughout your journey.

7. Adjust Your Goals

Your goals and priorities may need to shift to accommodate your health. It’s okay to reassess what’s important to you and make adjustments accordingly.

In Conclusion:


Receiving a long-awaited diagnosis is a significant milestone in the journey of chronic pain or illness. It’s a complex mix of relief and grief, and both deserve acknowledgment and understanding. As someone who has walked this path and as a mental health counselor working with patients like you, I encourage you to embrace this journey as an opportunity for growth and resilience. You’re not alone, and with the right support and self-compassion, you can find balance and hope in the midst of life’s uncertainties.

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As an online mental health counseling practice, our mission is to offer a variety of online therapy services to help you focus on your wellbeing. We take the stress out of getting the treatment you deserve. Synergy eTherapists provide flexible, convenient, and easy to use mental health services.

We offer online therapy in several states including MinnesotaIowa, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kansas, California, Florida, Colorado, and many other states. We add new states to this list regularly.

Our online therapists can treat anxiety, trauma, depression, substance abuse, maternal mental health concerns, grief and loss, and more.

Our therapists help teens, college students, adults, couples, and people with health conditions and chronic pain during online therapy. Additionally, we can offer psychiatric medication management in certain states.

Learn more FAQs about our online therapy group practice as well as the cost of online therapy

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