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Burnout: Causes, Signs and Ways to Overcome




Thank you to Choosing Therapy for having Karen Carloni to bring light on burnout and how to avoid it!

Burnout is an often  used buzzword that describes the emotional, social and physiological result of a specific, chronic stressor—typically work. Sufferers describe feeling exhausted, angry and cynical and sometimes suffering from physical symptoms such as headaches or gastrointestinal upset. Feeling better may involve a two- pronged approach in looking at self-oriented interventions while also addressing vocational stress.


Typically, the stressor(s) leading to burnout is work-related, but the effect is understood to cut across both work and personal life with an overall experience of fatigue, identity loss and meaninglessness. While career or job burnout accounts for the majority of literature on the subject, similar experiences of exhaustion and loss of meaning may result from parenting, caretaking responsibilities or even troubled romantic relationships.

Despite the fact that burnout is not a medical diagnosis, the interest in it has increased over the last 40 years. Workplace stress accounts for a 50% increase in medical spending in high stress job environments and over 550 million missed workdays, according to the American Psychological Association.1

To read the blog, please click here 


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Karen Carloni, LCPC, is licensed in both Maryland and South Carolina with decades of clinical experience working with adolescents, adults, couples and families.

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