For a second year in a row, Forbes Health named Synergy eTherapy as one of their BEST OF categories in Online Therapy Services! We are awarded in 2024 for BEST ONLINE THERAPY Services for KIDS & TEENS!

In The News

Synergy eTherapy is in the news! Check out what we’ve done:


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8 Ways to Say No Without Feeling Mean

8 Ways to Say No Without Feeling Mean Thank you to HealthFully and August Mclaughlin for focusing on #emotionalneeds and featuring SynergyETherapy. You may have heard it said, “Sometimes saying ‘no’ to someone else says ‘yes’ to yourself” — to your emotional needs, your desires, your dreams or even your safety. But knowing the practice is

8 Ways to Say No Without Feeling Mean Read More »


Synergy eTherapy: Eradicating Mental Illness Digitally

Postpartum Anxiety   Thank you to Insightscare for featuring Dr. Lisa and Synergy eTherapy and speaking on #mentalillness and online therapy! There is insufficient knowledge about mental health throughout the world. Mental health is as serious as any other physical health issues, but very less addressed. There have been many cases where small mental health

Synergy eTherapy: Eradicating Mental Illness Digitally Read More »

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Blue Christmas THE SIGNS AND SOLUTIONS OF HOLIDAY DEPRESSION. For some people, the holidays are a time of joy and celebration. But for others, they bring a sense of loneliness and pain—especially behind bars. It‘s common for prisoners and their families to experience depression around the holidays, so it‘s important to know the signs and


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How #MeToo is impacting sexual assault survivors’ mental health

How #metoo is Impacting Sexual assault survivors’ mental health – The global reckoning on sexual harassment and assault — and its accompanying discussions of boundaries and consent — have prompted many people to re-evaluate past sexual interactions in a new light. “People are definitely rethinking situations that maybe were not so clear,” licensed clinical psychologist

How #MeToo is impacting sexual assault survivors’ mental health Read More »

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CCX Media News on Mental Health. A further discussion about Depression.

The Silent Struggle Talking About Mental Health. A further discussion about Depression Thank you to CCX Media and Delane Cleveland for focusing on #mentalhealth issues. Dr. Lisa talks about Synergy eTherapy around the 7:10 min mark, but please watch it all…So many powerful stories and information to hear. Laura Dizon of Tiny Acorn Portraits also shares her story about losing her

CCX Media News on Mental Health. A further discussion about Depression. Read More »

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Minnesota benefit puts spotlight on suicide prevention

Minnesota benefit puts spotlight on suicide prevention Thank you to Fox9 News for interviewing Dr. Lisa Lovelace and joining the conversation for Suicide Awareness month. According to the CDC, the suicide rate in Minnesota increased by more than 40 percent over the last 18 years, compared to a 25 percent increase nationwide. “We just wanted

Minnesota benefit puts spotlight on suicide prevention Read More »

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