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A toast to the New Year. Choose your path!

Topic #5: It’s a new year, now what?

It was just yesterday that people all around the world were ringing in the new year, making resolutions and promises to themselves and their loved ones, singing, dancing, and rejoicing in all that was good in 2013! But… many people will ask… “What now?” Holidays are over, there is no upcoming vacation from work in sight, it’s cold (in most states), and there are no more Christmas songs on the radio. Drats. Gifts are open, some returned, and we look forward. Here is where you get to choose your path. You can focus on the realities stated a second ago, which seem somewhat gloomy, or you can decide to think positively about your future. For many with depression, focusing on the positive can seem like a daunting task. But, a little secret is that focusing on the positive is work! Just like most things in life, staying focused on the positive also takes hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continue to do so even when you just – don’t – want – to! If you find this type of work too difficult to manage on  your own, please seek help from your support system, your family and friends  or a trusted therapist who can help you stay focused on all that is good in your day. Write down 5 things that made you smile today, put those reminders in your phone and have them pop up a few times a day, write them on a sticky note and hang them on the mirror in your bathroom. Take charge of your emotions and you will forge your own path into the new year in a positive direction.


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