For a second year in a row, Forbes Health named Synergy eTherapy as one of their BEST OF categories in Online Therapy Services! We are awarded in 2024 for BEST ONLINE THERAPY Services for KIDS & TEENS!

Is Online Therapy Right For Me?

Is Online Therapy Right For Me?

by, Synergy eTherapy Staff

What is Online Therapy?

As technology advances, so can the way we interact with one another, and this includes in the medical and mental health world! Online therapy, otherwise known as online counseling, etherapy, distance therapy, tele-mental health therapy are some popular ways to talk about the same thing – accessing therapy by phone or video (and other times by any electronic mean like email or text) from the comfort of your surroundings!

What are the benefits of Online Therapy?

Benefits for clients are plentiful!

Picture this, it’s 6:05 pm, it’s snowing heavily, traffic is awful, the cars in front of you are not moving at all, all you see are brake lights and your appointment with your therapist was at 6:00 pm.

You’re already late and it doesn’t look like you are going to get there any time soon.  You’re getting more and more anxious as time goes by knowing that you are late.

Now picture this, it’s 5:55 pm, it’s snowing heavily outside, traffic is horrible, and you can see it as you gaze out your window.  You have a cup of warm tea in your hands to drink and are feeling very tranquil.  You are sitting contentedly on your couch in your home awaiting your therapy session that begins in 5 minutes.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds a lot more calming to me! 

Online therapy is convenient.

Online therapy is extremely convenient.  You don’t have to drive anywhere to get to your appointment.  You can have your session from any quiet, private space.  Perhaps you are choosing to do it during your lunch break at work because there isn’t another time that you can make it in person to your therapist’s office.

Online therapy gives you options.

The advantage for clients that live in rural areas is tremendous!  Just because you moved out of the hustle and bustle of the city doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have access to an experienced and qualified therapist.  Right?  With online therapy, you can see therapists that can be located throughout your state and even throughout the United States!  You don’t want to be limited to only a few therapists that are near you.  You have so many more options!

Online therapy offers comfort and safety.

Being in the comfort and safety of their own home is sometimes imperative for survivors of trauma.  Sometimes going to a therapist’s office can be challenging for them.  If you are seeing a therapist online, you can do your therapy appointments in the safety of your own home.  What’s that I see on your lap?  Oh!  It’s your dog and he is there as emotional support for you… you can have your [therapy] session from any quiet, private space.

Online therapy is also enjoyed by therapists!

For therapists, there are many benefits to online therapy as well!  If you have a home office, doing therapy online will give you more availability because you won’t need to count time driving to and from the office.  So, you can fill in those spots with clients instead of dealing with traffic!  You might also save a little money as you won’t be stopping at your nearest Starbucks on your way to the office!  Speaking of having a home office, if you have one it is a lot more affordable than paying to rent a space.

With this convenience of online therapy that both the client and therapist experience, there are a lot fewer no-shows and/or cancellations.  Online therapy is a lot more accessible to people who don’t want to deal with traffic, bad weather, not feeling well, etc.  Plus, as a therapist, you are portable and can do therapy from anywhere!


Is Online Therapy For Me?

Just as there is no “one size fits all” type of therapy, there is no simple answer to this. It is newer and as we know, most things that are new take time to understand, know and like.

If you want more flexibility, convenience, personalized relationship with your therapist directly, then trying eTherapy out for a few sessions could be a great start! All you need is a private space, a phone, tablet or laptop with a good WiFi connection and you are ready!

If you are interested in online therapy, sign up for your free consultation today to learn more!

If you are a therapist who wants to build your online practice in a supportive online group practice, contact us to apply to join our team.

To learn more about Synergy eTherapy and our team of excellent Therapist, Psychologists and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, click HERE.

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