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Dealing with Grief and Loss in the Wake of COVID-19.

Dealing with grief and loss in the wake of COVID-19.
Tips from an online therapist.


Life as we know it has turned upside down over the last few months.


We are currently living through a pandemic. Schools, restaurants, and all non-essential businesses are closed. We aren’t supposed to leave our houses. We can’t see our family and friends. People are contracting the virus. And, many are sadly dying, without their family to comfort them; without a proper funeral.

It’s a time of tremendous uncertainty and many are dealing with grief. In fact, everyone is experiencing feelings of loss in one way or another. Whether you’re mourning a loved one, were let go from a job, or had your graduation canceled, the sense of loss is real.

But life goes on. Dealing with grief during this new (but temporary) normal is possible.


Sad woman dealing with grief. She gets online grief counseling with Synergy eTherapy.

There is no tiptoeing around the fact that real lives are being lost at an alarming rate. Coping with death is never an easy feat, whether it’s during a pandemic or not. More and more people are experiencing the unexpected deaths of close loved ones. During normal times, we typically gather with family and friends for support, to laugh, and to cry. But, with the social distancing rules that are currently in place, we are unable to engage in regular grieving practices. 

However, it doesn’t mean you have to be dealing with grief alone. Instead of retreating into isolation, reach out to others. Especially, those who are also grieving. Maintaining an emotional connection with those who provide love and support is incredibly important during these difficult times. While you might not physically be together, you can spend time in each other’s presence virtually. So, share your favorite memories and stories of your loved one, and encourage others to do the same. Nobody should have to face such intense grief by themselves. “One of the most important things to remember while dealing with loss, no matter what it is you’re grieving, is that your feelings are valid.

Dealing with grief over the loss of a job is a concern for many Americans during COVID-19

A number of businesses were forced to downsize or even close completely. This left many people unemployed. No job means no income, and no income means stress! Financial instability is plaguing many families right now. And, this extra worry can take a toll on physical and mental health.

Things you can do to cope with job loss during COVID-19:

  • Research the available resources such as rent relief
  • Try to reduce or cut all non-essential spending
  • Apply for assistance if needed
  • Talk to an online therapist who can help you process the disappointment and grief you are feeling

Remember, we’re all in this together, so let’s support one another during these difficult times.

Dealing with grief over the loss of celebrations.

Happy graduate wearing a mask. She meets with an online therapist to get help dealing with grief. Learn more about online grief counseling from Synergy ETherapy here!

Graduating seniors missed out on the ceremony that commemorates years of hard work. Coming of age traditions such as Bar Mitzvahs are canceled. People had to cancel their weddings, baby showers, and more.

While celebrating during a pandemic can be tricky, there are appropriate ways to go about it. 

Set up a Zoom call with family and friends, post on social media to reach even more people, or create a little celebration with the people with whom you’re quarantined. When the time comes, these events can be celebrated accordingly. But for now, celebrate safely!

One of the most important things to remember while dealing with loss, no matter what it is you’re dealing with grief, is that your feelings are valid. This situation is not normal, and there is no “right” way to react.

Remember to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

Some coping practices you can try on your own include journaling, meditation, and exercise. However, you should try reaching out to your loved ones for support. Coping with grief becomes easier when you don’t feel like you’re taking on the world alone. 

Online therapy is an easy way to deal with grief

Dealing with grief is hard. And, we encourage you to consider online grief counseling as a way of dealing with grief. It is a convenient way to connect with a professional online therapist from the comfort of your own home. Especially, if the coping methods you have tried haven’t been working. Remember, there is never any shame in asking for help. At Synergy eTherapy, our specialty is online counseling, both before and during COVID-19. We are here to help! During such unprecedented times, treat yourself and others with kindness. We are all in this together.

Begin Online Grief Counseling:

woman on her laptop doing online grief counseling with an online therapist to get help dealing with grief with Synergy eTherapyIf you are ready to talk to a therapist about what you’re going through during the Coronavirus pandemic, then we would love to help you. Our therapists are skilled at supporting clients as they’re dealing with grief and loss and get back to living the lives they enjoy. To begin online therapy in your state, follow these easy steps:

  1. Read more on online counseling by visiting our FAQ page
  2. Meet with an online therapist in your state for a free video consultation,
  3. Start working on the issues that matter most to you and find relief from grief and loss.

Other Mental Health Services Offered at Synergy eTherapy

As an online mental health counseling practice, our mission is to offer a variety of online therapy services to help you focus on your wellbeing. We take the stress out of getting the treatment you deserve. Synergy eTherapists provide flexible, convenient, and easy to use mental health services.

In addition to online counseling in Maine, we offer online therapy in several states including MinnesotaIowaWisconsinSouth CarolinaNorth Dakota, IllinoisMaine, Maryland, New YorkNew Jersey, PennsylvaniaKansasCaliforniaFloridaColorado,  Vermont, and Georgia. We add new states to this list regularly.

Our online therapists can treat anxietytraumadepression, substance abuse, grief counseling, maternal mental health concerns, and more.

Our therapists help teenscollege students, adults, couples, and people with health conditions and chronic pain during online therapy. Additionally, we can offer psychiatric medication management in certain states.

Learn more about our online therapy group practice and the cost of online therapy here.

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