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How Online Therapy for Anxiety Can Help You Cope with the Stress of the Coronavirus Pandemic

How online therapy for anxiety can help you cope with the stress of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Anxiety often involves the fear of something that hasn’t happened yet.

You might be worried about getting sick, quarantine lasting longer than you thought, or how life will be different once the pandemic is over. One of the most unsettling aspects of the Coronavirus is that it’s novel, and therefore we don’t know everything about it.

However, dwelling over something that hasn’t happened, and might not ever happen, gets exhausting.

It’s safe to say that most of us are more health-conscious now than we used to be.

Before the virus, how often did you disinfect your groceries, deliberately stay 6 feet away from others, or wear a mask in public? Nobody wants to contract the Coronavirus. While we are taking extra precautions to stay physically healthy, it’s equally as important to care for our mental health. Telemental health counseling, or online therapy, has grown with the advancement of technology. In the last few months, it has become a booming practice as many therapists have been forced to meet with clients virtually. Now more than ever, people need to process what is happening in our world and how to deal with it. This pandemic has caused feelings of uncertainty for everyone, and those who previously suffered from anxiety have especially felt the uneasiness of the situation. 


One of the obvious but most advantageous aspects of online therapy is that you can connect with a professional without leaving the safety and comfort of your own home.

For many people, the thought of actually going to therapy for anxiety is anxiety-inducing in itself, even without the existence of a pandemic. Clients often have an easier time opening up and being vulnerable with their therapist when they also feel comfortable in their environment, and online therapy allows the opportunity to connect from a familiar setting. Additionally, for people residing in remote areas without access to quality mental health services, online therapy is a great resource.


Another benefit of seeking help for anxiety about the Coronavirus is that it can successfully be treated online.

Some treatment methods include therapy, medication, and/or other approaches such as meditation, relaxation, and mindfulness practices. At Synergy eTherapy we often use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment that has shown to improve anxiety. CBT focuses on how our thoughts and feelings influence our behavior, so it can teach you how to manage your negative thoughts and make behavioral changes to relieve your anxiety. 


We have very little control over the Coronavirus.

However, we can control how we respond to this incredibly stressful situation.  If your anxiety is centered around getting sick, make choices that will help you feel better rather than stress you out.

For example, try grocery delivery instead of going to the store. If your anxiety is focused more on what’s going to happen in the next few months, try to concentrate on the present. Think of the blessings in disguise this experience presents such as time to slow down, spending time with family, and learning to appreciate things we once took for granted.
Your online therapist will help you navigate through CBT techniques to regain control of your thoughts.

Synergy eTherapy was created as an online counseling platform long before this pandemic, and we will continue to serve your needs after it’s over. Online therapy is our specialty. Rest assured that your private information is kept confidential and that we are dedicated to providing the most constructive mental health counseling as possible.

There is no reason to suffer when your anxiety can be treated. Online therapy is a convenient, flexible, and safe way to relieve your anxiety. Why wait? Constantly living with worry exerts so much mental energy that can be put to much better use. Conquering your fears about the Coronavirus will take a huge weight off your shoulders. Take control of your mind so it doesn’t take control of you.

Virtual counseling, otherwise known as online counseling or tele-mental health, is here for you and your family. Schedule a FREE consultation today to know if this may be helpful at this time.

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